More ways to make your workouts fun & challenging

March has brought out a little competition in our members as our North Canton location competes against our Stow location for points and well, bragging rights!

Each day there is a different exercise or “challenge of the day,” our awesome ladies at LSF can perform to earn their gym points. Our trainers are always ready to motivate and help with modifications as needed to keep everyone safe. Many of our ladies are trying new exercises or routines as well as learning ways to compete within their own limits. Who has time to be tired or unmotivated when you have a challenge to win?!
Every month in our club we have something new and exciting for our ladies. We love educating, exciting and empowering each woman throughout her wellness journey whether she is a student, young adult, new mom, veteran, empty nester, etc!
Which gym do you think will win this month’s challenge?
If you haven’t checked us out yet, set up your complimentary session below! We can’t wait to meet you!
