Time for your mind, body, & spirit is always time well spent!

Self-care is not for the few that have time; it’s for everyone who makes the time! In September we celebrated National Self-Care Awareness Month . When’s the last time you prioritized yourself? If you can’t remember, keep reading.
Self-Care isn’t just fulfilling your basic needs. It’s drinking enough water AND having that glass of wine. Ways to reward yourself for simply being you can be physical, emotional, spiritual, social, or personal.
Women have a natural inclination to put others first, caring more about other’s health and well-being than their own. Asking others how they feel or how if they are okay, but never taking the time to look in the mirror and ask themselves those same questions.
You may be thinking, “I don’t have time to worry about myself”, or “I don’t have time to sit down and read a book or take a bath.” What we need to realize is self-care can be done in a time-consuming way. Besides, it’s not the fact that you don’t have time, it’s the fact that you don’t schedule time out for yourself.
This means that if you live a busy lifestyle, or not, scheduling out a time for yourself will help all around. Equally as important is knowing what self-care is to you. While there are different areas to self-care, you need to identify what helps you feel at peace and happy.
There are many self-care remedies and activities:
- Working Out: Going to the gym (Ladies Super Fitness)
- Walks
- Sleep
- Stretching: Yoga
- Nourishing your body: Hydrating, Eating Healthy and Eating what makes you Happy
- Stress Management
- Journaling
- Listen to music that makes you happy
- Time alone
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Social Media- Enjoy time on and off of it
- Setting Boundaries- What you like and dislike
- Communication with friends and loved ones
We hope you enjoyed the Chair Massages with Malinda Denman at Ladies Super Fitness North Canton & Ladies Super Fitness Stow!
We also hope that the reminders we share here, in the gym, and on our social media sites encouraged you to carve out time for yourself!! And if you have not checked us out yet at LSF, schedule your complimentary tour and workout below!!
-Ali Harper