Akron Marathon Relay Results

It was HOT!

When five people from LSF, Netta, Kelsey, Jessica, Vanessa and Reidar, decided to represent their ladies-only club in late September, and it was epic!

The day lasted roughly 4 hours and 30 minutes and included 5 different legs of a 26.2 mile course which gave an in-depth tour of Akron.

At 7am and 62 degrees, thousands of people lined up to start the relay. Netta started among them, then it was Kelsey’s turn, then Vanessa took up the middle at around the 9:30ish mark, then handed the “torch” to Jessica, who then gave it to Reidar who finished with temperatures eclipsing the mid-80s.

All-in-all, this was a fantastic day with lots of pain, joy, expectation, and accomplishment. Thank you to all who participated and lets do it again next year!

This is just one of the many events LSF takes part in during the year! If you would like to try Ladies Super Fitness and a free personal training session–since all personal training sessions at LSF is free– click HERE.

See you at the gym!
