Could you be doing too much?
In today’s society we have a great number of go-getters who work hard for everything they have and will do whatever they need to in order to get there. This is a wonderful thing and it demonstrates determination, strength, and perseverance in our culture. This mindset also translates into the exercise and athletic area of our lives.
So how much is too much? After doing some research, I found that there are some basic indicators we should be aware of:
1. If you find yourself constantly exhausted , taking a rest and allowing yourself a week of recovery training may be a good idea. This means no high-intensity workouts for a week and making sure you are getting plenty of sleep—at least 7-8 hours a night.
2. If your muscles are overly sore all the time , taking some time, a week or maybe up to a month, depending how far you’ve pushed yourself to integrate very light lo moderate workouts, more sleep, massage and stretching
3. If you know you are in good shape by how much you train, but are winded going up stairs, and your heart works too hard while resting or relaxing, take time to rest for a week, maybe more.
It is important to remember that REST is part of our training . Rest will actually help you get stronger, build muscle and burn fat. Your body strengthens during the rest, not during the workout.
Again these are some basic indicators one should be aware of. A high-intensity workout is not needed every day to reach your goals. A week that includes a few days of high intensity workouts, combined with moderate workouts and a scheduled recovery week every 4 weeks, with one or two rest days in each week, will help you train in a way that will help you maintain/improve your health and athletic performance without destroying your body. Lets work smarter not harder and stay safe!
Author: Audrey Mihalik, NASM Personal Trainer, LSF Intern
Model: Khara Dennison, ISSA Personal Trainer at LSF